Friday 18 November 2011

Media Studies Film Project.

Media Studies Film Project (research)

The websites we were asked to use were: – This is the website i used to research the different age certificates for films, and how to find the appropriate one for my film. I have come to the conclusion that PG (parent guidance) would be the most suitable for my film. This would then allow me some freedom in the choice of language and actions that the characters would use.
This is the image of the ‘PG’ certificate. – I used this website to look at some comedy films and find out how much they would cost to make and how much money the film makers got back from the release, and how much it made in the first day etc… 

Here are some of the films and their financial side.

$109,000,000 (estimated)
$100,446,895 (USA) (25 January 2004

$49,900,000 (estimated)
$24,856,478 (Worldwide) (19 May 2011)

$75,000,000 (estimated)
$160,762,022 (USA) (2 January 2005) 

    The figures shown above are mainly big budgeted films, and they didn't make the whole money back. Of the final gross total, a massive 60% goes straight to the cinema, and only a small 40% goes to the distributer. So even with the film ‘shark tale’ which did make a profit, when you take that 60% away, you will then realise that in fact the distributers didn’t make a huge profit. So this made me realise that ideally i would need to make my film on a low budget, so when i am left with the 40%, i still made a profit. One example of a film with a huge profit is the lion king. The Lion king cost 79 million to make, and got 771 million back (and still counting!)
So even when you take the 60%, you are still left with a huge profit.
 Ratings are also very important; the lion king got a high rating of 8.3 stars which helped promote the film even more which is one of the main purposes of ratings.   A film which had a big budget but had the same effect was Inception. The budget 160 million, and got the overall gross 820 million (without taking the 60% away) . It also got a high rating of 8.9 stars. reading  this information has made me and my group realise we don't need a big budget for our film, we can have a small budget and make the money back, plus extra profit. 

Official Movie Website: - i visited this website because this is our inspiration on our film, on this website there were pictures, videos, interviews and games. This gave us a rough idea on what we needed to include in our website, and how to set the website out for a younger audience. it showed us what appeals to the younger audience and what doesn't, we know what to include and what not to include. - on this website they had the same as the other. Games, stories, music, character profiles, videos and photos. Everything is child-like and appeals to the audience. This website helped us develop an idea of what we need to think about, and what we would need to include to keep everyone interested. 

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