Saturday, 19 November 2011

Now you see me – Script.

Now you see me – Script

First scene of the movie trailer is Emily Smith sleeping safely in her bed. The lighting is very low key,

with a lot of shadows. She is then awoken by a sudden sound. She shoots up out of her slumber.

The titles begin to appear on screen.

There is a scene showing Emily laughing and joking being happy without any clue of what is about to

come. The lighting is high key, and the setting is still Emily’s bedroom.

The shot then cuts to a title saying ‘when the evil come looking’

Then we will see another shot of Emily, happy, clueless.

Another title will appear and say ‘her life…. Will never be the same’

Then the shot will cut to a low key hallway in school setting, with a dark figure standing in the door

way, lights flickering as they are standing there. The lights will be cut off so there is nothing able to be

seen apart from the silhouette of the figure through the light from the door or window behind them.

There will then be a scene of Emily running in a panic, followed by the figure shortly following her

behind, not in so much of a panic, they are walking.

Another title would appear saying ‘there is no hiding’

The shot will them cut to the school toilets, it is a mixture of high key and low key lighting as the lights

begin to flicker again.

The figure is standing very still staring at the closed doors of the cubicles.

Figure:  you can run Emily, but you can’t hide.

The shot then cuts to Emily sitting on one of the toilets knees up breathing heavily. The shot then cuts

back to the figure, it then moves quickly and starts to slam the cubicle doors open.

A title shoots onto the screen which is a review from a magazine/film company helping promote the


The shot then cuts back to Emily sitting in the toilet panicking even more.

Then another review.

Cuts back to the figure getting closer to the cubicle that Emily is in.

Another Review.

The figure is now at the cubicle that Emily is hiding in; the lighting is now in high key as the lights have

stopped flickering. There is a pause. The figure smiles. Slams the door open, Emily is not in there.

The next shot it the final titles (credits) followed by the last shot which is the release date.


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